Thursday, September 16, 2010

Variations of a Common Dream

Sometimes it can be easy to forget just how inter-connected we are all.  For some, being "American" doesn't satisfy the requirements they themselves deem necessary for kin-ship.  Too many other factors come into play, including race, religion, sexual orientation, wealth, intelligence, etc.  We used to be a nation united around one dream.  The "American" Dream.  It's meant different things throughout the years. For settlers, it meant freedom of religion.  For some it's meant social change.  For others, it's meant grabbing a big heap of cash and holding onto it until they day they die.  All worthy explanations for this "American" Dream in their own little ways.  All worthy of being mentioned.

I was originally caught off guard while I was reading Cullen's introduction in "The American Dream" and came across this sentence: "Beyond such considerations, a reckoning with the Dream also involves acknowledging another important reality:  that beyond an abstract belief, in possibility, there is no one American Dream".

Wait a second.  Pump your breaks, Cullen.  What do you mean, more than one "American" Dream?  I was stunned, bewildered, utterly mystified.  I have been taught countless times in my social studies and history classes that the "American" Dream is "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".  Simple, broad, covered everything.  But then I caught myself.  That's just it: it covers everything.

I've finally come to the realization as I sit in the library that my dream is different from the girl sitting next to me or the guy behind me.  My "American" Dream doesn't involve the stereotypical white picket fence, 2.3 kids, a nice golden retriever, and my gorgeous all-American wife baking a pie for my future enjoyment after I come home from a hard day at the office.  Sure it may be some people's, but not mine.

My "American" Dream involves marriage, sure, but to a wonderful man.  In any state I please.  Iowa, though certainly a wonderful state, doesn't fit the bill for the exotic wedding I'd like to have.  My dream involves three kids, two boys and a girl.  I'd like a german shepherd.  Correction, I NEED a german shepherd.  I want a job I'm happy in.  A nice check at the end of the week would be nice, but wealth is something that comes in many different forms.  It would just be nice to have a little cushion when I retire early, because that's part of my dream too.

Maybe you've noticed by now that every time I've said "American" Dream I've put those handy little quotation marks around the word "American".  There I go again.  Anyways, I'm starting to think I'm not really sure what it means to be "American".  My "American" is different than yours.  Is that a bad thing? Nope.  Is it a good thing?  Well, diversity is always good.  It makes things interesting.

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