Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dream, Act

I've been thinking a lot about dreams lately.  The notion that everyone here is living a dream.  We're all in college. . .finally. . .and it's something we've been dreaming about for years.  But in reading James Cullen's "The American Dream" I realized that even though we're experiencing our dreams in the same place, we have very different ideas of what's going to be in them and where they're going.  "The problem with pursuing dreams, even shared ones, is that not everyone seems them in quite the same ways."

College is a dream.  All of us at St. Olaf are incredibly lucky to have the ability to be here pursuing higher education.  Lots of kids our age don't get this opportunity.  And yet despite the fact that we are all here, I have no doubt that we all have different hopes on how our experiences will go for us.

We all have our sights set on different majors, different concentrations, different co-curriculars, different futures, different lives.  To refer to my first post about the "American" Dream, everyone's is different.  And we're all going to pursue ours in different ways.  Some of us are going to treat our time here as incredibly valuable, dedicating every fiber of our being and every second of our time to succeeding and getting good grades.  Some will treat it as a relatively relaxed event, cruising by with a relaxed, I'll-do-it-tomorrow attitude.  Whatever your path, I hope you get to the end of it feeling happy, fulfilled, and with a diploma in your hand.

This dream isn't your first, and it isn't your last.  But if you keep up with life, set your goals for yourself, and and have fun along the way, your life might just turn into smooth transition between dreams.  And with that cheesy yet fuzzy line, I'll leave it there.

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