Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guilty for copping out of a blog post post

My conscience got the better of me- here's a post that's honest to blog.

Each year, the conservatives of America gather at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference in D.C. to sing love songs to low taxes, limited government, restricting abortion and prohibiting gay rights. As conservatives, they identify with the Republican party, which has failed them this year when it comes to upholding socially conservative values.  This year, a gay Republican group known as GOProud is a sponsor of the event.  Far-right groups were not very happy.

The Heritage Foundation, Concerned Women for America, The Family Research Council and the National Organization for America, as well as other far-right groups pulled out almost immediately following the announcement of GOProud's involvement.  Political conservatives such as Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina refused to attend as well.

There will come a time where equality will be universal and those who stood against it will be on the wrong side of history.  I can't wait for that time to come.

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